Monday, August 22, 2011

Something to Think About

I just viewed this video - "The Machine is Us/ing Us" at the suggestion of a colleague.  I am amazed at the message and how it was presented.  If you have a few minutes, take a peak.  Once again I am learning that I still have alot to learn!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Flat Classrooms,DIgiteen and Digital Citizenship

This morning I read a post from Vicki Davis - "Cool Cat" Teacher blog about flat classrooms and how 6th - 9th grade students in her school district participated in a program called "Digiteen".  It is a collaborative project with students from Qatar, Austria and other countries.  The students learned about Digital Citizenship, talked with students from around the globe, and then created the projects that are shown in the video clip below.  It is 15 min. long, but I was impressed with a couple of the projects, if you don't have the time, watch the slide show at the beginning.  You can sign up your students and be a part of this process at
I also highly recommend that you join the Cool Cat Blog.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Okay - I Love Brain Breaks!!

I have discovered a couple of great tools that You should add to your tool belts.  They are little booklets that give you some great ideas for getting the "Brain cells" in your students brains to grow!!!  Here are the books and I am showing you a couple of things that can be done in ANY classroom or Staff Development!!!

Check out these Breaks!

Don't Forget to slow down and take your break!!